Stay safe during overnight dates!


Overnight dates are really appreciated among escorts because they are also the most rewarding financial wise, but having an overnight outcall is not that simple as it may seem because it requires some extra safety measures that every escort should take and some extra preparation.

When you list overnight outcalls in your service list, you need to think of a set of rules to apply and some aspects to consider before starting the actual date.

The date, the location, the type of service

There are three things you need to know in advance when accepting an overnight date: the person you are dating, the location you are going to spend your night in and the type of service you are about to offer to your client. Don’t go unprepared because overnight dates are not just as simple as regular ones.

Always know your client

Don’t accept overnight outcalls from clients you haven’t met before. Overnight bookings are usually accepted after you have a couple of successful regular dates, and you’ve gotten to know your client, his preferences, and needs. This way, when you go for an all-nighter, you can be fully prepared with the right toys, lingerie, attitude and so on.

It is tricky to have an overnight outcall with someone you’ve just met, because the chemistry may be lacking, or you may discover he’s not your type of client and want to end the date early, something you can’t actually do on an all-nighter.

You must pick the location

Knowing the place where you’re about to have the overnight outcall can give you some extra peace of mind, so ask him to tell you in advance the name of the place you’re about to spend the night together, or directly suggest him to leave the choosing of the outcall location to you.

This way you may do your research, choose a location that is located in a good area and so on.

Discuss the service in advance

An overnight outcall is not the type of date where you can wing it and just make it work. There are a lot of hours to fill and you need to have your homework done so that you can come prepared with the right toys, games, role playing clothes, lingerie and so on. When discussing things in advance you get also more control over the date and things tend to be simpler and clearer for both of you, with no room for interpretation, as both of you agreed in advance to a list of services that are to be offered and some that are surely big no-no’s.

After you’ve met the main three criteria of having a successful overnight outcall, another thing to consider is: having a friend that knows where you are at all times and checking in with him on a regular basis. This way your client knows that there is someone out there that knows about your date and cares for you, and you also feel a lot safer knowing that something happens to you someone will surely be alerted.

Upfront payment is a must in the overnight booking process, so that you can be sure that you won’t get scammed. And another thing to remember is never to eat something you haven’t eaten before, during an overnight date, so that the chances of you to get ill can be reduced to minimum.

Also, keep in mind not to overindulge yourself with alcoholic drinks. During an all-nighter you can have a glass of wine or champagne, but never intoxicate yourself, so that you can always stay sharp.

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