How to Handle Image Theft - 4 Best Tips


Photo theft is a major issue worldwide, especially in this day and age. Countless pics get stolen every minute from their rightful owners and published without their consent on other websites. Why do these people do it? Because they’re unscrupulous and they don’t care about anything but themselves.

When an escort, male or female, steals your photos and claims them as their own… you definitely need to do something about it, because that’s not OK. Thieves need to be punished and made to stop doing that to unsuspecting people. We’re here to tell you how to deal with this problem.

Seek legal advice

The moment you find out that a provider stole your photos and used them without your permission is the moment you need to get legal counsel from a lawyer. This will come in extra handy especially if you haven’t registered your pics with a copyright firm. He or she will help you receive the necessary sum of money for the use of your photos without your express consent. In case you’ve already registered them with a specialized office, the lawyer will sue for damage in your name.

Another instance where getting legal advice is good: cyberstalking and revenge porn. Dubious people who steal photos can use them to harm you in ways you’ve never imagined or only heard about. A good lawyer will tell you all about voyeurism and defamation laws and how to use them to solve your problem. As soon as the thief’s found guilty, they will face serious prison time.

Contact websites

Have you recently discovered your personal pics on another escorting platform? We suggest going to their Contact section and writing an email mentioning what happened. Provide proof that you’re the one in the photos and anything else you might think would help. If the owners of the website are in good faith, they’ll understand and take those images down. Should they not do that or ignore you completely, contact a lawyer.

Many webhosts threaten people in your situation and even counteract with “well, your photos are already all over the Internet, what can we do about it?”. When that happens, we recommend filling out a DMCA. This Digital Millennium Copyright Act basically acts as your own personal bodyguard in all copyright matters. Once a webhost sees it, they will remove the pics ASAP.

Change security settings

Those of you who are active on more than one or two social media platforms need to change their accounts’ security settings at once. Because giving access to your personal stuff to anyone is a major no-no. Selfies and other kinds of photos should only be seen by you and those clients you trust 100%. As soon as the general public is privy to all your pics, they will not hesitate to claim them as their own and impersonate you for their gain by creating fake accounts on adult websites.

Watermarks for the win

This has to be said more often: a watermark is such a heaven-sent protective tool. You will find some really great watermark apps all over the Internet. 

Not sure you want to install and use one? That’s fine, you can always add something unique to your photos from your phone or laptop. Like, say, a small funny dog in one of the corners, or a heart. Get creative so that your photo is hard to steal and everything will be fine!

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