pt Abu Dhabi Emirados Arabes Unidos

Escort girl in Abu Dhabi, Sofia

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Acompanhante independente

I'm Sofia, nice to meet you I hope to see you live soon. I am a friendly and adequate girl, in my company every man will feel welcome. Therefore, I would like to see well-mannered man as a guess, so that we both enjoy the process The emotional component of the meeting is important for me, so if you are also an easy go person, in such a company I am ready to reveal myself from the best sides In bed, I have no insecurities. The main thing is to have contact with a partner, and if a man has captured my thoughts, then I am ready to lick him My young and flexible body will drive you crazy, I will try for your pleasure. I hope this little message has given a comprehensive understanding of why it is worth visiting me. I'll be waiting for our meeting


I'm Sofia, nice to meet you I hope to see you live soon. I am a friendly and adequate girl, in my company every man will feel welcome. Therefore, I would like to see well-mannered man as a guess, so that we both enjoy the process The emotional component of the meeting is important for me, so if you are also an easy go person, in such a company I am ready to reveal myself from the best sides In bed, I have no insecurities. The main thing is to have contact with a partner, and if a man has captured my thoughts, then I am ready to lick him My young and flexible body will drive you crazy, I will try for your pleasure. I hope this little message has given a comprehensive understanding of why it is worth visiting me. I'll be waiting for our meeting

Last updated: 01/04/2024


Número celular
Cidade: Abu Dhabi

Detalhes pessoais

Étnico :
Caucasiana (branca)
Castanho claro
Comprimento do cabelo:
Cor dos pelos:
Completamente depilada
164 cm (5' 5")
Serviço para:
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Apartamento particular

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas em hotéis e casas


Horário de trabalho

I am available 24/7

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem


Preços (400 / 1 h)

Atendimento fora Preços

1 hora:
700 SGD (~480 EUR)

No meu local Preços

1 hora:
400 SGD (~274 EUR)

Sobre mim

I'm Sofia, nice to meet you I hope to see you live soon. I am a friendly and adequate girl, in my company every man will feel welcome. Therefore, I would like to see well-mannered man as a guess, so that we both enjoy the process The emotional component of the meeting is important for me, so if you are also an easy go person, in such a company I am ready to reveal myself from the best sides In bed, I have no insecurities. The main thing is to have contact with a partner, and if a man has captured my thoughts, then I am ready to lick him My young and flexible body will drive you crazy, I will try for your pleasure. I hope this little message has given a comprehensive understanding of why it is worth visiting me. I'll be waiting for our meeting

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