pt Doha Qatar

Escort girl in Doha, Shirin

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25 Doha,   Qatar
Acompanhante independente

Hi there, I'm Shirin from Iran inDoha an all natural, elite residing in and available by requests

Personality-wise you will find me beguiling, witty, honest, dangerously addictive, and hedonistic. I am naturally friendly, bubbly and understanding. I have a genuine enjoyment for intimacy and enjoy meeting new people. I provide a perfect girlfriend experience that no longer feels like an experience. I prefer to maintain long friendships with suitors, something I hope to continue with you! I already know about you, you’re sophisticated, a man with not too much time on his hands who prefers to dedicate his free time to those who can read what he wants and needs.

You’ve come to the right place.

My life has led me down many different plains and landscapes. I adore travelling as much as I do being in Doha . The luxury I can afford is being limited with my time, reserving it only for gentlemen who can appreciate what I have to offer in the form of exclusive encounters and genuine connections whether it be days or hours.

If the divine concoction of beauty, intelligence is your vulnerability, allow our paths to collide.

Until we meet, Shirin

#cantravel, #completamentenatural
25 years old       Acompanhante independente in: Doha,   Qatar
#cantravel,  #completamentenatural

Hi there, I'm Shirin from Iran inDoha an all natural, elite residing in and available by requests

Personality-wise you will find me beguiling, witty, honest, dangerously addictive, and hedonistic. I am naturally friendly, bubbly and understanding. I have a genuine enjoyment for intimacy and enjoy meeting new people. I provide a perfect girlfriend experience that no longer feels like an experience. I prefer to maintain long friendships with suitors, something I hope to continue with you! I already know about you, you’re sophisticated, a man with not too much time on his hands who prefers to dedicate his free time to those who can read what he wants and needs.

You’ve come to the right place.

My life has led me down many different plains and landscapes. I adore travelling as much as I do being in Doha . The luxury I can afford is being limited with my time, reserving it only for gentlemen who can appreciate what I have to offer in the form of exclusive encounters and genuine connections whether it be days or hours.

If the divine concoction of beauty, intelligence is your vulnerability, allow our paths to collide.

Until we meet, Shirin

Last updated: 01/04/2024


Número celular
País: Qatar
Cidade: Doha

Detalhes pessoais

Étnico :
Caucasiana (branca)
Comprimento do cabelo:
Muito longo
Cor dos pelos:
Completamente depilada
165 cm (5' 5")
Serviço para:
Homem, Mulher
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Apartamento particular

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas em hotéis e casas

Árabe, Inglês

Horário de trabalho

I am available 24/7

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem


Preços (1,000 QAR / 1 h)

Atendimento fora Preços

1 hora:
1,200 QAR (~307 EUR)

No meu local Preços

1 hora:
1,000 QAR (~256 EUR)

Sobre mim

Hi there, I'm Shirin from Iran inDoha an all natural, elite residing in and available by requestsPersonality-wise you will find me beguiling, witty, honest, dangerously addictive, and hedonistic. I am naturally friendly, bubbly and understanding. I have a genuine enjoyment for intimacy and enjoy meeting new people. I provide a perfect girlfriend experience that no longer feels like an experience. I prefer to maintain long friendships with suitors, something I hope to continue with you! I already know about you, you’re sophisticated, a man with not too much time on his hands who prefers to dedicate his free time to those who can read what he wants and needs.You’ve come to the right place.My life has led me down many different plains and landscapes. I adore travelling as much as I do being in Doha . The luxury I can afford is being limited with my time, reserving it only for gentlemen who can appreciate what I have to offer in the form of exclusive encounters and genuine connections whether it be days or hours.If the divine concoction of beauty, intelligence is your vulnerability, allow our paths to collide.Until we meet, Shirin

#Completamente natural

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