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Escort girl in London, Regan, UK Sugar Babes

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I make an elegant, charismatic and discrete social companion and I absolutely delight in getting to know each other over fabulous cuisine and fine wine. I have a quick mind and appetite for new experiences. My free time is filled with visits to galleries, amazing restaurants, bookstores and daily visits to the gym. My interests include keeping fit, horse riding, travel and cooking. Despite my sweet and innocent side I find myself with a love for all things kinky! Nothing excites me more than loosing all control and being mentally free. My limits can always be tested and with the right man, I enjoy experimenting and I am always open to trying new things.


I make an elegant, charismatic and discrete social companion and I absolutely delight in getting to know each other over fabulous cuisine and fine wine. I have a quick mind and appetite for new experiences. My free time is filled with visits to galleries, amazing restaurants, bookstores and daily visits to the gym. My interests include keeping fit, horse riding, travel and cooking. Despite my sweet and innocent side I find myself with a love for all things kinky! Nothing excites me more than loosing all control and being mentally free. My limits can always be tested and with the right man, I enjoy experimenting and I am always open to trying new things.

Última vista en línea: 09/02/2022


Número de teléfono
País: Inglaterra
Ciudad: London

Detalles personales

Caucásica (blanca)
Longitud del pelo:
163 cm (5' 4")
Tamaño de copa:
Servicio para :
Hombres, Parejas
Disponible para:


Outcall: Visitas en casa y en el hotel

Polaco, Ruso, Inglés

Horario de trabajo

Estoy disponible 24/7

Tarifas de Desplazamiento y Condiciones

Destinos de Viaje

Por todo el país

Tarifas (300 £ / 1 h)

Outcall Tarifas

1 Hora:
350 GBP (~409 EUR)
90 Minutos:
450 GBP (~526 EUR)
2 horas:
550 GBP (~642 EUR)
hora adicional :
250 GBP (~292 EUR)

Incall Tarifas

1 Hora:
300 GBP (~350 EUR)
90 Minutos:
400 GBP (~467 EUR)
2 horas:
500 GBP (~584 EUR)
hora adicional :
250 GBP (~292 EUR)

Acerca de mí

I make an elegant, charismatic and discrete social companion and I absolutely delight in getting to know each other over fabulous cuisine and fine wine. I have a quick mind and appetite for new experiences. My free time is filled with visits to galleries, amazing restaurants, bookstores and daily visits to the gym. My interests include keeping fit, horse riding, travel and cooking. Despite my sweet and innocent side I find myself with a love for all things kinky! Nothing excites me more than loosing all control and being mentally free. My limits can always be tested and with the right man, I enjoy experimenting and I am always open to trying new things.

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