pt Paris França

Escort girl in Paris, Irina, Frenchescort

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Last updated: 06/05/2024

Hi my dear, I'm Irina and I want to start by welcoming you to my si te. I hope by the end of this brief introduction and after viewing my portfolio you'll have a much better idea of who I am and be inspired to meet for a one-on-one encounter. amorI am a sophisticated and attractive looking lady and elite companion with a zest for all the good things life provides for those prepared for success.I consider myself as a real woman, with perfect body curves, beautiful, soft and just right..something I am particularly proud of.xxIf you appreciate discretion and confidentiality, and are looking for a sexy, sweet, intelligent companion, I am the one for you!
#vipescort, #muscular, #modelo/ex-modelo, #superbunduda, #delicada, #bbw, #garotafitness, #madura
 #vipescort,  #muscular,  #modelo/ex-modelo,  #superbunduda,  #delicada,  #bbw,  #garotafitness,  #madura
Hi my dear, I'm Irina and I want to start by welcoming you to my si te. I hope by the end of this brief introduction and after viewing my portfolio you'll have a much better idea of who I am and be inspired to meet for a one-on-one encounter. amorI am a sophisticated and attractive looking lady and elite companion with a zest for all the good things life provides for those prepared for success.I consider myself as a real woman, with perfect body curves, beautiful, soft and just right..something I am particularly proud of.xxIf you appreciate discretion and confidentiality, and are looking for a sexy, sweet, intelligent companion, I am the one for you!

Last updated: 06/05/2024


Número celular
SMS e ligações
País: França
Cidade: Paris

Detalhes pessoais

Castanho claro
Comprimento do cabelo:
167 cm (5' 6")
55 kg (121 lbs)
Tamanho dos seios:
Serviço para:
Homem, Mulher, Casal
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Quarto de hotel

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas somente em hotéis

Inglês, Frances

Travel conditions

Destino da viagem

No Travel

Sobre mim

Hi my dear, I'm Irina and I want to start by welcoming you to my si te. I hope by the end of this brief introduction and after viewing my portfolio you'll have a much better idea of who I am and be inspired to meet for a one-on-one encounter. amorI am a sophisticated and attractive looking lady and elite companion with a zest for all the good things life provides for those prepared for success.I consider myself as a real woman, with perfect body curves, beautiful, soft and just right..something I am particularly proud of.xxIf you appreciate discretion and confidentiality, and are looking for a sexy, sweet, intelligent companion, I am the one for you!

#Vip Escort , #Muscular , #Modelo/Ex-modelo , #Superbunduda , #Delicada , #BBW , #Garota fitness , #Madura

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