pt Amsterdam Holanda

Escort girl in Amsterdam, Ingrid, Highclassescortsamsterdam

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Amsterdam,   Holanda Também disponível em: Rotterdam Utrecht Den Haag
Ingrid is one of those girls who look innocent but actually is not. She look at you with her sweet eyes but in the meanwhile she is ready to devour you. But that innocent look also works well when she is your companion in a business lunch, diner or meeting. She just has that likeable look over her. And once you get back into your hotel room she can't wait to make you feel really comfortable. You would almost forget she is a high class escort girl. A business man like you needs to special attention and she understands that as no other does. 
#vipescort, #completamentenatural
 #vipescort,  #completamentenatural
Ingrid is one of those girls who look innocent but actually is not. She look at you with her sweet eyes but in the meanwhile she is ready to devour you. But that innocent look also works well when she is your companion in a business lunch, diner or meeting. She just has that likeable look over her. And once you get back into your hotel room she can't wait to make you feel really comfortable. You would almost forget she is a high class escort girl. A business man like you needs to special attention and she understands that as no other does. 

Last updated: 26/02/2020


Número celular
SMS e ligações
Telefone adicional:
(+31) 0643858353
País: Holanda
Cidade: Amsterdam
Outras cidades:

Detalhes pessoais

Comprimento do cabelo:
165 cm (5' 5")
49 kg (108 lbs)
Tamanho dos seios:
Serviço para:
Disponível para:

Serviços para atendimento fora: Hotel visits, Private address visits.

Holandês, Inglês

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem

No Travel

Sobre mim

Ingrid is one of those girls who look innocent but actually is not. She look at you with her sweet eyes but in the meanwhile she is ready to devour you. But that innocent look also works well when she is your companion in a business lunch, diner or meeting. She just has that likeable look over her. And once you get back into your hotel room she can't wait to make you feel really comfortable. You would almost forget she is a high class escort girl. A business man like you needs to special attention and she understands that as no other does. 

#Vip Escort , #Completamente natural


Posição 69
Experiência com garotas (GFE)
Sexo em diferentes posições
Massagem erótica
Beija se rolar química

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