it Porto Alegre Brasile

Escort girl in Porto Alegre, AneFontes

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Ultima vista online: 15/12/2022

Hello, I'm Ane, a chaperone young, sexy, very polite and always receive you with a beautiful smile. I am a lover relaxed, smelling, playful and super liberal. My skin is an invitation to tender caresses and my body is an amusement park.

You'll love getting lost in my curves provocative. I like to wear very sexy and give many kisses breathtaking. I want to browse to a location and cozy, the half-light, with a very erotic movie. I'm the girl who you're looking for.

I am a full escort, I know tricks to make you louquinho. Let's try all the positions you want and how you want. I'm waiting for you.



Hello, I'm Ane, a chaperone young, sexy, very polite and always receive you with a beautiful smile. I am a lover relaxed, smelling, playful and super liberal. My skin is an invitation to tender caresses and my body is an amusement park.

You'll love getting lost in my curves provocative. I like to wear very sexy and give many kisses breathtaking. I want to browse to a location and cozy, the half-light, with a very erotic movie. I'm the girl who you're looking for.

I am a full escort, I know tricks to make you louquinho. Let's try all the positions you want and how you want. I'm waiting for you.


Ultima vista online: 15/12/2022


Numero di telefono
Nessun SMS, Nessun numero trattenuto
Paese: Brasile
Città: Porto Alegre

Dati personali

165 cm (5' 5")
56 kg (123 lbs)
Servizio per:
Disponibile per:

Outcall: Visite in albergo e in casa


Orari di lavoro

Sono disponibile 24/7

Chi sono

Hello, I'm Ane, a chaperone young, sexy, very polite and always receive you with a beautiful smile. I am a lover relaxed, smelling, playful and super liberal. My skin is an invitation to tender caresses and my body is an amusement park.You'll love getting lost in my curves provocative. I like to wear very sexy and give many kisses breathtaking. I want to browse to a location and cozy, the half-light, with a very erotic movie. I'm the girl who you're looking for.I am a full escort, I know tricks to make you louquinho. Let's try all the positions you want and how you want. I'm waiting for you. 

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