pt Singapore City Singapura

Escort girl in Singapore City, Alexa X

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Acompanhante independente

Last updated: 07/02/2024

I strongly believe that pleasure starts in the mind, so next to the right type of woman, that knows how to arouse you both mentally and physically, you can reach the ultimate climax. My name is Alexa, and I am luxury Singapore escort, a woman that has the looks, the class, but also the brains to be next to a classy gentleman such as yourself. I always dress to impress, always elegant and ready to satisfy event the wildest of my dates desires. Let me softly undress you, give you a backrub, listen to your thoughts, kiss every inch of your skin and arouse you like no other woman did before. I am always discreet, just tell me how you envision our time together and I will make it happen. Book a date with the best escort in Singapore, here!

Alexa X

I strongly believe that pleasure starts in the mind, so next to the right type of woman, that knows how to arouse you both mentally and physically, you can reach the ultimate climax. My name is Alexa, and I am luxury Singapore escort, a woman that has the looks, the class, but also the brains to be next to a classy gentleman such as yourself. I always dress to impress, always elegant and ready to satisfy event the wildest of my dates desires. Let me softly undress you, give you a backrub, listen to your thoughts, kiss every inch of your skin and arouse you like no other woman did before. I am always discreet, just tell me how you envision our time together and I will make it happen. Book a date with the best escort in Singapore, here!

Last updated: 07/02/2024


Número celular
País: Singapura
Cidade: Singapore City

Detalhes pessoais

Étnico :
Caucasiana (branca)
Comprimento do cabelo:
Cor dos pelos:
Completamente depilada
170 cm (5' 7")
Serviço para:
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Apartamento particular

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas em hotéis e casas

Inglês, Frances

Horário de trabalho

I am available 24/7

Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem


Preços (1,200 / 1 h)

Atendimento fora Preços

1 hora:
1,200 AUD (~739 EUR)
2 horas:
2,400 AUD (~1,477 EUR)
3 horas:
3,000 AUD (~1,847 EUR)
24 horas:
8,000 AUD (~4,924 EUR)
Passar a noite :
6,500 AUD (~4,001 EUR)
Encontro com jantar :
3,500 AUD (~2,154 EUR)

No meu local Preços

1 hora:
1,200 AUD (~739 EUR)
2 horas:
2,400 AUD (~1,477 EUR)
3 horas:
3,000 AUD (~1,847 EUR)
24 horas:
8,000 AUD (~4,924 EUR)
Passar a noite :
6,500 AUD (~4,001 EUR)
Encontro com jantar :
3,500 AUD (~2,154 EUR)

Sobre mim

I strongly believe that pleasure starts in the mind, so next to the right type of woman, that knows how to arouse you both mentally and physically, you can reach the ultimate climax. My name is Alexa, and I am luxury Singapore escort, a woman that has the looks, the class, but also the brains to be next to a classy gentleman such as yourself. I always dress to impress, always elegant and ready to satisfy event the wildest of my dates desires. Let me softly undress you, give you a backrub, listen to your thoughts, kiss every inch of your skin and arouse you like no other woman did before. I am always discreet, just tell me how you envision our time together and I will make it happen. Book a date with the best escort in Singapore, here!


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