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Escort girl in Brussels, Aisha, Perla di Mare

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Last updated: 10/05/2024

Aisha is a highly educated, sweet and friendly lady. She has a successful full time career but excels at being a delightful companion in her spare time.

Aisha is pretty and very stylish, with soft caramel skin. Her body stands at a petite 158cm, while her sexy silhouette shadows a 32B. She is very elegant, perfectly put together with an exquisite and toned body. Multilingual and versatile, she is the perfect date for public events but also for private appointments. Aisha is playful and highly recommended for longer dates like dinner dates and 12/24hr bookings where her personality, sense of humour and charm can enchant you

Aisha is highly trained in the art of Swedish and Tantric massage. She can skilfully take clients on a seductive, pampering journey that will blow their mind. Aisha will provide the perfect GFE. She is genuinely bi-sexual so would be happy to see a couple or play with another one of our ladies. She can entertain you at her flat in Brussels but is also happy to travel with sufficient notice.

Aisha is intoxicating. Beware gentlemen, she is addictive..

#cantravel, #vipescort, #delicada
#cantravel,  #vipescort,  #delicada

Aisha is a highly educated, sweet and friendly lady. She has a successful full time career but excels at being a delightful companion in her spare time.

Aisha is pretty and very stylish, with soft caramel skin. Her body stands at a petite 158cm, while her sexy silhouette shadows a 32B. She is very elegant, perfectly put together with an exquisite and toned body. Multilingual and versatile, she is the perfect date for public events but also for private appointments. Aisha is playful and highly recommended for longer dates like dinner dates and 12/24hr bookings where her personality, sense of humour and charm can enchant you

Aisha is highly trained in the art of Swedish and Tantric massage. She can skilfully take clients on a seductive, pampering journey that will blow their mind. Aisha will provide the perfect GFE. She is genuinely bi-sexual so would be happy to see a couple or play with another one of our ladies. She can entertain you at her flat in Brussels but is also happy to travel with sufficient notice.

Aisha is intoxicating. Beware gentlemen, she is addictive..

Last updated: 10/05/2024


Número celular
Métodos de contato preferidos WhatsApp/Viber, Email
Cidade: Brussels

Detalhes pessoais

Comprimento do cabelo:
158 cm (5' 2")
46 kg (101 lbs)
Tamanho dos seios:
Serviço para:
Homem, Casal
Disponível para:

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas somente em hotéis

Urdu, Persa, Gujarati, Inglês

Preços para viagens & Condições

Pagamento inicial


Método de pagamento

Credit Card

Bank Wire



Reserva de vôo

Pela acompanhante

Destino da viagem

Europe only

Preços (800 € / 2 h)

Atendimento fora Preços

2 horas:
800 EUR
3 horas:
1,100 EUR
Passar a noite :
2,500 EUR
hora adicional :
300 EUR
Encontro com jantar :
1,100 EUR
Final de semana :
5,000 EUR

Sobre mim

Aisha is a highly educated, sweet and friendly lady. She has a successful full time career but excels at being a delightful companion in her spare time.Aisha is pretty and very stylish, with soft caramel skin. Her body stands at a petite 158cm, while her sexy silhouette shadows a 32B. She is very elegant, perfectly put together with an exquisite and toned body. Multilingual and versatile, she is the perfect date for public events but also for private appointments. Aisha is playful and highly recommended for longer dates like dinner dates and 12/24hr bookings where her personality, sense of humour and charm can enchant youAisha is highly trained in the art of Swedish and Tantric massage. She can skilfully take clients on a seductive, pampering journey that will blow their mind. Aisha will provide the perfect GFE. She is genuinely bi-sexual so would be happy to see a couple or play with another one of our ladies. She can entertain you at her flat in Brussels but is also happy to travel with sufficient notice.Aisha is intoxicating. Beware gentlemen, she is addictive..

#Vip Escort , #Delicada


Posição 69
Brincar com vibrador/Brinquedos
Beijo francês
Experiência com garotas (GFE)
sexo oral com preservativo
sexo oral sem preservativo
sexo oral sem preservativo até finalizar
Sexo em diferentes posições
Ejaculação no corpo (COB)
Massagem erótica
Massagem intima

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