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Escort girl in Toronto, Adriana Luxx

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Acompanhante independente

Last updated: 25/05/2022

Here are some things about my appearance that you might not have been able to pick up by viewing my photos. Although I may look tall, I'm actually quite short, only standing at 5'1. I'm sure you've noticed I'm quite busty, to answer your question, yes, they are real! You may have noticed some of my piercings in my photos but I also have a few tattoo's. All of my tattoo's are very well done and feminine and I always get a ton of compliments on them! I don't wear extensions and my makeup is tasteful, never overdone. Book a date with me and see for yourself.

#vipescort, #superpeituda, #delicada, #completamentenatural
Adriana Luxx
 #vipescort,  #superpeituda,  #delicada,  #completamentenatural

Here are some things about my appearance that you might not have been able to pick up by viewing my photos. Although I may look tall, I'm actually quite short, only standing at 5'1. I'm sure you've noticed I'm quite busty, to answer your question, yes, they are real! You may have noticed some of my piercings in my photos but I also have a few tattoo's. All of my tattoo's are very well done and feminine and I always get a ton of compliments on them! I don't wear extensions and my makeup is tasteful, never overdone. Book a date with me and see for yourself.

Last updated: 25/05/2022


Número celular

Detalhes pessoais

154 cm (5' 1")
Tamanho dos seios:
Serviço para:
Homem, Mulher, Casal
Disponível para:

Serviços no meu local: Apartamento particular

Serviços para atendimento fora: Visitas somente em hotéis


Preços para viagens & Condições

Destino da viagem

No Travel

Sobre mim

Here are some things about my appearance that you might not have been able to pick up by viewing my photos. Although I may look tall, I'm actually quite short, only standing at 5'1. I'm sure you've noticed I'm quite busty, to answer your question, yes, they are real! You may have noticed some of my piercings in my photos but I also have a few tattoo's. All of my tattoo's are very well done and feminine and I always get a ton of compliments on them! I don't wear extensions and my makeup is tasteful, never overdone. Book a date with me and see for yourself.

#Vip Escort , #Superpeituda , #Delicada , #Completamente natural


Posição 69
Ejaculação na boca
Ejaculação no rosto
Brincar com vibrador/Brinquedos
Beijo francês
Experiência com garotas (GFE)
sexo oral sem preservativo
sexo oral sem preservativo até finalizar
Sexo em diferentes posições
Ejaculação no corpo (COB)
Massagem erótica
Massagem intima

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