How to Recognize Controlling Clients


Escorts who’ve been in the business for a while now have had their fair share of controlling clients. They’ve learned, by now, how to recognize and avoid them. There are certain ways of telling whether the guy in front of you is abusive or not. But female companions who are very new in the business have no clue how to know if a client is controlling or well-meant. As soon as you find out, you know that it’s better to stay away from them than tackle them head-on. They might easily become too violent and you’d have to call the police. To avoid this worst-case scenario, we’ll tell you how to know if your client is pushy. But before we tell you that, you should know that many of the clients you’ll meet aren’t at all controlling. Here’s to finding out how to pinpoint the ones that are!


Beware of the guys who will only book you and two other escorts; they usually do it periodically. While not every single one of these clients may actually prove to be controlling, many are; or they’ll become manipulative in a very short time. If he starts asking you stuff about your daily life (including your past relationships, hobbies and so on), then he’s likely to want to control your decisions later on. He will also want to impose his authority over your bookings, so that you won’t be able to have appointments with various other male clients. You may even become dependent on them, because you’ll have someone to tell you what decisions to make so you won’t have to make them on your own. Be sure you avoid this kind of guys as soon as you sense their real intentions!


Never ever let a client know you lack something material, be it a smartphone, TV, music and so on. If they see you want to have a certain something, they’ll give it to you with or without telling you beforehand. As soon as you agree to this, he’ll feel like you must follow his every request, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. In a way, the guy will think you owe him a lot of favors, considering how he helped you gain what you wanted not too long ago. So better keep your needs as private as possible or ask someone close to you for help instead.


Sugar daddies may seem fun on paper, but in real life you need to stay as far away from them as possible; unless, of course, you know what they’re all about. Those of you who have no clue what a sugar daddy is and how he can influence your decisions and behavior, we’ll tell you. This client will want to control your everyday life until you do as he says, because he tells you he has your best interest at heart. Before he does that, this client/sugar daddy will want to know your every personal thought and reason for doing all kinds of things. Get out of his way as soon as possible.


Escort Directory wishes you good luck with your next appointments and may you never deal with controlling clients!

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