First date food not to order!


When going on a first date there are a few things to consider, and the food you choose to order is one of them. The dinner date usually continues in a more discreet place, where the two of you can be more intimate, so you don’t want to feel full, bloated, have stuff stuck between your teeth or a smelly breath that could ruin the romance of the moment.

So, here are a few foods to stay away from when on a date with a client that you want to impress and turn into a potential regular.

Greens that get you bloated

Greens such as broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts are the three healthy veggies that although are great for your health, are not to be eaten while on a hot date, for two reasons: one, because you can get seeds and florets in your teeth and two, because they are gassy and have the potential to ruin your mood and sexual performance.

Say no to dairy goods

Although an ice cream dessert can sound really fun and delicious, it is best to stay away of all dairy products because it can cause you stomach pain. The best way to go when it comes to dessert is to order one desert and split it, this way you won’t feel completely full and you also create a sensual, romantic moment, a preview of what’s to come in the privacy of your room.

No finger licking foods

Things such as ribs or, wings, or other types of meats on bones are not ok to be eaten on a date with a client. There’s a time and a place for everything, and now is not the time to be seen all greasy, with dirty fingers and sauce dripping down your chin. You are an escort goddess, and the date should be a prelude to what’s to come in bed, not a turn off.

Forget about soups/ramen and other leaky dishes

You don’t want to slurp out of a soup bowl in front of the man that you’re about to ravish in bed and that you want to turn into a regular. You also want to stay away from hot liquids and things that may cause a mess while eating them. Stay classy, choose food that’s not messy, that can be eaten in small bites and that will not bloat you or give you that full sensation, when all you want from life is a nap.

Keep in mind that the dinner date is part of the foreplay. It is meant to set the mood, ignite the fire, entice the imagination, and make your date even hornier than he initially was. So, don’t do anything that can turn him off, stay away from smelly food that contains garlic or onion, from dairy or vegetables that can make you bloat and from food that can make you dirty your hands or worse, your clothes.

Remind yourself that dinner is just a way to make the transition into the bed way easier, it is not actually about eating, so choose a small meal, eat slow, make conversation and you’ll be in top shape for the fun that’s about to come afterwards.


What other advice do you have for your fellow escorts when dinning out with a client? What should they order, and what should they avoid? Share your experience with us!

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