Escorts, is Plastic Surgery the Right Choice for You?


You’ve optimized your website, you’ve done some incredible photo shoots, you’ve bought all kinds of lingerie, maybe even taken up make-up classes; you’ve placed ads both online and offline and you’ve probably scoured the internet for the best escort directories to list on (and if you haven’t listed here, then go do so now!). What now? What’s the next step to improving your standing among the competition? Sure, you have your brand, your gimmick, your loyal customers, but do you still believe there’s more you could do to improve your business? If so, then plastic surgery might be an option for you.


Now, we’re not affiliated with any clinics or surgeons, so this article is in no form advertising that you go ahead and get some plastic surgery done without thinking twice about it. If you've heard about the UK's surge in plastic surgery addiction, here's a helpful infographic educating people about plastic surgery addiction and what it can mean for you. If that doesn't bother you and you still want to modify your appearance, know that plastic surgery is a valid option for an escort looking to improve their business. With over 15 million cosmetic interventions undergone in the United States in 2013, both invasive and non-invasive procedures, plastic surgery is presenting itself as more and more of a game-changer.


Whether you’re considering augmenting or lifting your breasts, getting rid of a few wrinkles, rhinoplasty to straighten or make your nose smaller or a tummy tuck, become familiar with each procedure and the treatments that should accompany it, both pre-intervention and post-intervention. Check out the American Society of Plastic Surgeons for more information on various procedures.


Visit different clinics, ask for some brochures and information, and check out blog posts with before-after photos and reviews. The same way a client chooses an escort based on good reviews, so too should you choose your surgeon and/or clinic.  


If you’re unsure what you should change about your appearance, study the competition: their photos, their ads and then perhaps consult a surgeon. He/she can suggest options that could make you feel more confident or positive about your looks. If you are unhappy with yourself physically, you might be projecting this impression on your clients. A healthy dose of self-esteem is crucial for succeeding in the escort industry, and plastic surgery could easily help you acquire the necessary confidence to attract and maintain your clientele.


Many companions resort to plastic surgery, whether they admit it or not. It’s an important option to consider if you want to achieve more in your business and if you want to have a lengthy career as an escort. So, remember, do the research, check out the reviews, study the competition and decide what intervention is best for you. 

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