Gift Giving: What Items Should you Offer an Escort?



While most escorts will never expect clients to offer them anything other than their requested rates, they will always appreciate the ones who do bring them a little treat and remember that client for their next booking. They will especially like the items that best suit their tastes and personalities, so if you do plan to bring her something, try to find out what she likes and avoid guessing if possible.


Unsure of what gift to give your escort? Every courtesan is different and picking the right present is always a difficult task, but if your escort does not have a public wishlist, there are certain items which you just can’t go wrong with.  


Romantic gifts are a sure-fire way to get into an escort’s good graces. Wine or champagne and chocolates are always a welcome treat and an easy way to break the ice. You can find these items almost anywhere, so they are also extremely convenient. Flowers also fall into this category and a nice bouquet or even a single rose are always appreciated.


Spa products such as bath salts or fragrance oils are also a welcome gift, but picking the right scent is complicated. The same goes for perfumes. You might think you know what your escort will like, but everybody’s got different tastes and it’s difficult to pick something right for everyone. If the escort you are meeting does not have a wishlist where she makes her desired gifts public, try purchasing a gift card from a perfume or Spa store. This way, your date can pick the products she most likes herself.


Lingerie and sex toys are also quite common, but remember that these are more gifts for you than for her, so you shouldn’t expect an escort to be particularly grateful for receiving these items (she probably has a big stock of them already).


Little presents are always a nice touch, but expensive items could make an escort uncomfortable. Pay attention to your date, try to find out what she likes, and if you really want to surprise her, be creative with tickets to a show or art gallery. She’ll appreciate the gesture and definitely remember you for your next encounter. 


(Pictured above is Camy23 from Bucharest, Romania)

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